What To Expect

The masterclasses were created to enable you to learn A, B and C and ignore the D, E and F that aren't needed. Boost your learning today instead of in 2 or 3 years.

  • Have a 6 month plan posting plan for 3 platforms

  • Learn how to repurpose already created posts across search engines to boost SEO.

  • Use Canva effectively to create easy posts and customise quickly.

Self Paced Course with Live Q&A

Book onto a group Q&A Session to help you complete the course..

    1. Welcome in!

    1. Module 1 - Who are you?

    2. Module 2 - Looking Good! (or not?)

    3. Module 3 - Get out on FREE Search Platforms NOW!

    4. How to Advertise for FREE on Google

    5. Module 4 - Where will you be in 2 - 5 years?

    6. Module 5 - Don't reinvent the wheel

    7. Module 6 - What platforms are available?

    8. Module 7 - Pick your top 3 platforms

    9. BONUS - Custom friend list on Facebook

    1. What you Can Post On Social Media

    2. Grab Your Own 6 Month Planner

    1. How to leave feedback.

    1. Renew Access only - 12 months access to Social Media Basics

    2. Link to extend access if page doesn't load

About this course

  • £17.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content
  • 12 months access to the course
  • Book onto a live Q&A session