Calling: Ambitious service-providers who are

Tired of the endless hunt for new clients and the exhaustion of tight deadlines?

It's time to break free from the relentless chase. Embrace the opportunity to create a lasting legacy that truly honours your skills and time.

What if you could finally launch your dream that you have been sitting on for a while?

If you’re a service provider who makes money by charging for the work you do, the relentless “chase” for your next piece of work can feel really stressful. You feel like you’re constantly chasing new clients or delivering to tight deadlines. And you know, with your skills and experience, if you could just leverage your time to create and launch your dream service online, making money would feel easier (and it would take up way less of your time). It’s not that you don’t believe in your idea - if I asked you to tell me about it, you would talk to me solidly for two hours with a light beaming through you so bright that you could illuminate a small town!

“I've gained so much more confidence in a year, in my own ability, and believing in myself. Working with Paula is so empowering. If you've got the seed of an idea and you want to nurture it and see it grow. She's a good gardener!”

Jen Street

Hey! Paula Here

Paula Tadzik

Online Business Coach For Action Takers

Can I be honest with you? Frankly, I know no other way! I can show you what’s possible for you and your business even if you can’t see it for yourself. They don’t call me the Headmistress for nothing… That wasn’t always the case. It was only when redundancy ‘freed’ me from my former job that I discovered my superpower. As a strong Integrator and accredited Life Coach, I have the ability to cut through the fog of emotions attached to businesses and find a way forward. Now I help female entrepreneurs and start-up business owners do just that - find solutions to the problems that hold you back from designing and running a successful business. Having spent 20 years working for someone else in a management role, I knew I was meant for more, I just couldn't say what that ‘more’ was. But when I followed my own path I started to notice that there were other women with bags of talent and brilliant ideas who were also meant for more. I knew I could help. So I went all in on business integration, offering 1:1 support, designing courses and setting up my membership Chat With Paula to build a community of women and help them make real progress in their businesses. Within a year of starting my own business, my first client went from £0-£10K in her first launch and it snowballed from there. And now? I want the same for you. You may think you aren’t cut out for online business just because you don’t understand the tech. I say BS! That’s why I created the Complete Business Toolkit. It’s a whole package of 1:1 support, the Chat With Paula Membership, plus individual courses that unpick everything from email marketing, social media, automating processes, launching your business and beyond. Let’s do this together!


- or your money back

  • I guarantee that I will push you beyond your comfort zone so you can learn what you need. 
  • I guarantee you will learn a lot and be supported throughout and 
  • I guarantee that you will be surprised at yourself by the time we are finished... 

I want to offer you a 100% risk-free guarantee.

When you join, you’ve got 30 days to decide if this purchase was right for you. 

If, within those 30 days, you do the planning session, attend the membership calls and start the masterclasses but still feel like the Complete Business Toolkit isn’t delivering on its promise, I will refund you 11 months of the total cost.

Just send an email to [email protected] to let me know.

That’s just the right thing to do.